Home thermostats (A thermostat is a device for regulating the temperature of a system so that the system's temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature - as defined in Wikipedia) wars will certainly be waged. You will ask why? Don't worry just read on!

Because evenings are turning out to be chilly and freezing, most people will very much depend on their central heating appliances. But there are many who prefer to keep a reduced room temperature for saving on fuel bills. However “room temperature” can spark a heated argument among couples. Some people surreptitiously change the room temperature according to their choice, when their partners aren't noticing, while others prefer to wear woolen clothes to keep themselves warm.
You will be amazed to know that some people feel, cold more than others. Study has shown that our biological thermostats are fixed to varying levels. That is why people experience cold in varying degrees, which is determined by our gender, fitness, age, diet and even our sleep duration.
Some experts opine that humans are not built for the cold. Humans who are a tropical animal and were habituated living on the Equator migrated to other parts of the world. This made humans being exposed to hostile climates especially cold, which necessitated them to adapt. This adaption included learning to wear warm clothes, stay in warmer shelters and make fire.
Our biological structure determined the level of hot or cold we experience; the temperature in our hands and feet differs when compared to other organs. In case our hands or feet are chilly, we'll experience cold. Majority of our bodily temperature sensors are situated in the skin.

Nevertheless, this female heating system implies that fewer blood flows to their hands and feet, which make them feel cold. The biological structure of women has lower fat and muscle mass compared to men, and so require a more effective way of protecting their core body temperature.
But hormones are not the sole factor which affects our bodily temperature; sleep can also impact how chilly or hot we feel. When we are exhausted we're more susceptible to alterations in temperature. Our biological temperature falls at night, with women experiencing their minimum body temperature quicker than men.
Bodily shape is also a determining factor on the varying levels of cold we feel. People who are bulkier tend to have cooler appendages the reason being their skin is insulated from their body heat by a layer of fat. Those of us who regularly do exercises have higher circumferential temperature because they have better blood flow to extremities.

Following are some tips through which you can keep warm:
a) Wear good quality warm cloths. While going to bed, wear pyjamas and bed socks.
b) Consuming right and regular meals is really important if you're trying to keep warm, but make sure to have carbohydrates containing vegetables specially potatoes.
c) Keep away from alcohol and caffeine because both increase blood flow to the skin resulting in you feel warmer and your body lose heat.
So if you don't want to feel the extremities of cold, do some physical exercises regularly and have enough sleep.